Lord Byron Stake Pool has been registered with the Cardano blockchain and is ready for delegators!
Epoch: #253 - Fri, 3/12/21 12:13 AM
Block: 5451664
Slot: 52140
Hash: 01bd1920f43fdb563e5f0933d190dbbbdbabb6f651cd742834e011c5f04ae019
Not delegating with LORDB yet?
1. Open Daedalus
2. Delegation icon
3. Stake pools tab
4. Search LORDB
5. Click LORDB square
6. Click, 'Delegate to this pool'
1. Open Yoroi wallet
2. Search LORDB
3. Click/Tap, 'DELEGATE'
Whew! What a busy week it's been! I spent every waking moment educating myself on Cardano stake pool software, hardware requirements, hosting companies & pricing, configuration & generation of keys/certificates, topology of the servers & their security requirements, wallet configuration & registration fees, collecting everything together & submitting the
registration... waiting... until finally seeing the [LORDB] ticker listed in Daedalus & Yoroi wallets. To say it was a stressful blur is a huge understatement
(I loved every minute of it!)
While late-night browsing various Cardano developer forums, I read time and again how challenging the marketing & social media aspect of running a stake pool had been for many Stake Pool Owners. Not wanting to launch my pool without effective social media presence, I set about to secure this lordb.rocks domain and setup
email access for the site that would be used to create accounts on all of the major social platforms. I knew I wanted the theme of the pool to be that of Ada Lovelace's father and Namesake for the Cardano Byron era, English Poet, Lord Byron. I also knew it would be challenging to find a Top Level Domain where, "lordb" wasn't already taken, but
then I found the, ".rocks" TLD and it all just clicked instantly! LordB would become a modernized version of himself. Sort of a cross between Lord Byron, Elliot Alderson
(Mr. Robot) and Thomas Dolby
(with a little Buckaroo Bonzai thrown in for good measure), wearing a Playstation VR headset while rocking an Eddie Van Halen replica guitar!
So here we are. The pool is operational and communicating with other Cardano staking nodes. Aside from a few awesome co-workers who were generous enough to trust their ADA with LordB (thanks, guys!!), it is patiently awaiting the arrival of more delegators. Since everything is delayed by 3 Epochs, there's nothing to do with the pool until my initial
Live Stake of 578.2k ₳ becomes my first Active Stake a few Epochs from now. In the meantime,
PLEASE consider delegating your ADA with LORDB. I'm having an
awesome time with this pet pandemic project, helping to decentralize the Cardano blockchain and
I would be honored to stake on your behalf.
~ Lord Byron Stake Pool